Corner bend radius
Inside sheet bend radius should be equal to or greater than the sheet thickness. Sheet metal flow may get affected due to sharp inside edges causing fractures in some materials. It is advised to keep uniform radiuses across the design for the ease of tool making.
Flange length
Minimum flange length of thrice the sheet thickness plus the corner bend radius should be maintained to prevent fracture at the corner bends.
Hole diameter
Ideally, the hole diameter should be more than or equal to the sheet thickness. And should be twice the sheet thickness for hard metals. Small dimension punches are prone to failure during punching operations.
Gap between the holes
The below diagram highlights the minimum required distance between the holes to prevent issues during forming operations.
Cutout distance from the corner bend
The below diagram highlights the minimum distance required from the corner bend. Should be thrice the sheet thickness plus the inside bend radius.
Corner bend relief
To prevent any fracture at the corner during forming operations, bend relief is provided. Relief height should be greater than twice the sheet thickness plus the corner radius.
Flange hole forming
To prevent flange hole deformation during operations, some distance must be maintained from the corner bend. A flange hole is formed thru punching operation on a high tonnage machine applying very high pressure.
Round emboss forming
Round emboss should be located at an optimal distance from the nearest edge to prevent deformation and fracture during operations. Round emboss is made on a high tonnage machine applying huge pressure.
Dimple design
Dimple is created to increase the structural integrity and overall part performance keeping minimum sheet thickness.
Louver design
A louver is typically a formed feature made with a punch press with a top and bottom die. This creates a raised-up opening in the sheet metal which is closed on three sides and open on the fourth. The sheet is slit across the length of the louver. The most common advantage is it allows ventilation in an enclosure for electronics or other applications where air circulation is important.